As long as the game makes money, we get support..
Do we?
What about map improvement? What about all the other features we miss untill today? Where is the ingame ladder? Where is the up to date lobby?
Best example is the Performance optimisation. Demanded since the game was released, promised several times by Relic and now Kyle says there wont be any further improvement because he admits that the essence engine is giant cluster fuck.
If you dont want to buy it, dont..
You can say this about gameplay neutral content like a new singleplayer campaign. It doesn´t work with multiplayer DLCs though since the give an advantage to the player buying it. If you don´t want it don´t buy it doesn´t protected me from someone using this commander against me. And we talk about commanders like sowjet windustry or the rifle company here.
I am totaly fine if Sega wants to make money with CoH2. But they should reconsider their business model. Take World of Warships as an example, you can buy Premium to get more cash and more xp but this doesn´t hurt other players, you can buy new ships but since the are (more or less) balanced this doesn´t hurt any other player as well. Plus WoWs is pretty well balanced and Wargaming is still improving the balance with regular patches and new content. Relic does lag behind such a business modell.