ccar is the bren in bren...without axis early counter, "Dude, where's my bike ?"
2 sov snipers : which is totally ridiculous...a good player will never lose them (hmm, *scratch scratch* axis have 4 men units, so, i build 2 snipers or more...)
the 30 ammo sov mine, like ISU is able to wipe one squad, it also works great versus tanks (this is called the swissknife mine), "i sent my grenadiers somewhere..." Is 30 ammo the cost of a panzerfaust shot that is not able to destroy a ccar ?!?
I dont talk about unit pathing...tanks areblocked by the grass or points (ammo, fuel, victory....), i don't talk about the "auto changing selected target", well, i could have destroyed your tank, but unfortunately, my tank decided to fire on the engie...
the problem with manpower : in vcoh : no map control-no army, the game is actually rewarding campy-style and pak blobing (i seen this, i swear...), No map-control, No-chocolate !
ISU is really annoying wiping everything but it's just a kind of detail....Eli is pretty fine, it's just an anti-tank...