Hey guys,
I had a good guy I played with for so long but he always said he was better then me (even though I knew the opposite was true). So I told him lets do 1vs1. The 1st game I was winning easily with 490 points versus his remaining 70 with all stars+capture points under my control when my friend quit the game- he said it was due to lag and crashing> I doubted that.
The 2nd game we played I won easily as well but my friend now said I was hacking (after the previous game I was getting sick of his long list of excuses). I won the 2nd game and still he woudnt say GG and accused me of hacking and other crap.
PLease watch the replay and tell me if I was hacking or if I played fair. The reason he said I was hacking was because ''I had tanks so early into the game''.
Here is the game: https://www.coh2.org/replay/63066/wehrmachtvswehrmacht-friendvsfriend
Check out the chat as well, I ended up removing this friend from my steam because he made me this angry with his excuses.