"Check this out I beat OMGPOP in 10 minutes".
Made myself a nice cup of coffee, sat down in anticipation of a great game. Instead I got a onesided 10 minute stompgame where Nevix had the op spawn and faction.
This has pridepost written all over it.
Yes i did have the good spawn, (faction i dont know, since every game in the SNF final the germans won) And so i have seen him play and i knew his playstyle. So i had an advantge.
If u do not appreciate this replay i can remove it if u tell me so. Tho in my opinon i did good and mangeded to counter his strat pretty well. BTW What is wrong with beeing proud of a game? isnt that why you want to play competitve, so that you can be proud of your success.
Im sry i couldn't give you a 30 min long epic game stoffa
Il will upload such a replay when it happens