Update: Tried "wired" connection and game works fine. I was using CISCO AE6000 USB wireless dongle. Used to work fine before. I brows the internet. Drivers are unpdated then wheres the problem?
We got two PCs at home and used to play multiplayer fine. Recently I bought a new gpu 750ti gtx for my second PC (intel i3 530, 6gb ram, Gigabyte H55 mobo). Since then the game freezes at match begins.
1)I re-installed new drivers for 750Ti and the game worked just fine.
2)I tested another card (friends 660Ti) The game froze at start again, installed drivers worked fine.
4)Purchased gtx 750Ti instead and had freeze issues again, reinstalled drivers works fine.
5)BUT suddenly few days in, the game started freezing again. Reinstalled drives no use.
6)switched off antivirus, firewall, joined windows home group, reinstall wireless card, no use.
Error detail: I'm able to play solo custom game just fine.. but only at multiplayer 2vs2, the game freezes and says connecting and then drops (defeated). Same PC everytime.
Anyone could help. Id really be greatfull. Thanks.