Awesome little tips man thank you for taking the time!! |
U believe I figured it out. I'm still learning this world builder. I had something stupid like 12k splats and ... Checked the blueprint and I had way to many splines and splats. So I deleted all of them, re tested and it doesn't crash any more. |
So I have been making a pretty bad ass map over the last 300 hrs and it just recently started crashing... Iam wondering if having to much shit can cause it to crash shortly after starting a match. It seems to run fine until I get 3 or more units on the field
Got er now thanks. |
It's not a free for all but I can not get my Ally to start game beside me. It places team 2 where team 3 is supposed to go and puts team 1 where team 2 is set. And team 3 goes to team 1 starting position all the starting position entry point and shared territory point are all set to the right place.. any sugestion? |
So I made a 1v1 map and I believe it may be a better 2v2 map. So I added two more player. Moved player 2 up beside my player 1 and added players 3 and 4 to the bottom. Selected the scenario tab, navigated to teams...
Adjusted the id 1001,1002 to team one and id 1003,1004 to team two added a starting territory and entry points for each. When I test it looks like a free for all. Is there another location I need to adjust team settings? |
Map is now finished just going to tweak it and do some more testing before I publish it. I tried a different approach on ballancing. Instead of using a mirrored style making the east resemble the west. I made it easier for either teams armor to navigate the map from different sides. It forces the player take advantage of flanking routes. I'm excited to get input from the community. |
Yea I found out the problem. If I added to much stuff between saves. If I put more than an hour's work before exporting it would not archive the last few things I added. Saving and exporting every half hour fixed that issue. |
So I deleted all the splines I placed and re placed them and exported package again. it seems to work. I will just save and test more often. World builder may be a little buggy for me I think. |
So I export the map package but when I test my map I notice a lot of the splines I place don't show up. Have you encountered this problem before? |