Hey guys,
it´s still a long time till the tournament finally start, so we use the time to improve our website and make sure, that good players sign up and make the competition even better. We also try to find more caster especially for certain games of the early rounds. If we find enough, we will bring a shedule on the website. We still would appreciate donations verry much. Every penny will go to the winners and into the prize-pool.
For donation pls use the following links:
Since we got already 45 signed up people for the tournament, we currently talk about the amount of players we will start with. We are thinking about the rules in general, cause we want the tournament so enjoyable as even possible.
We received a 180$ donation today. We want to say thank you, JoeTheMofo, whoever you are, please don´t lose your job, we want to stay happy and healthy. It´s hard to describe how hyped we and the community already are. We really want the tournament to become a success. We still have much to learn, but we take every help and critic.
Another Update:
I don´t want to spam posts, so i make another update right now. Today we talked about a problem, that will come up before the first tournament matches. We want to make sure, that the players will communicate with each others and arrange the matches on their own. When the last tournament happend, we had some people who didnt responed. This time we try to avoid that. We will probably give out a date to join our steam-group, with a deadline of course. Players that don´t response befoure the deadline wll not be a part of the tournament anymore. We announce more about that soon, cause we are still talking about that. Something like that could happen:
- 20.2 Registration Deadline
- 23.2 Matchmaking/Brackets
- 26.2 Deadline to join the Steam-Group
- 26.2 Matchmaking/Brackets
- 27.2 Tournament-Start
We probably will open threads in the steam-group for every single match. The players have to write into the thread for their matches and arrange it with the opponent. You can talk over the group or in privat chat. Important is, that you get in contact with each other. We, i dont want to sound rude here, wont be babysitters and we will react rigorous.
More informations soon.