I added you!
Thanks a lot! Look forward to meeting you in-game!!!
- Sure, add me. Felinewolfie 
- J'aime bien enseigner aux nouveaux. J'ai beaucoup d'experience ASL, Battlefront: Combat Mission 2
"Berlin to Barbarossa", Codename Panzer (Phase 1 to ... all of them actually), and just about every
WW2 imaginable, including COH1 and COH1 EF (Easternfront.org). Look up my profile for more details
On s'entendra bien, tu verras!
J'ai encore beaucoup a t'apprendre, tu sais 
Avoue que tu as hate de te mesurer a moi 
(Edit : I like teaching newbs, I got tons of experience, we'll get along fine, you'll see,
I got tons more to teach you, you know? - Admit that you are eager to go up against me
I play all, but I specialize in Soviets, however. As it probably obvious from my T34/85 avatar 
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to trust french speaking canadians!

Thanks a lot bro!!! The time spent with you playing has had impressive results on my confidence with coh2! Also nice to have found another soviet with who to play on the only cool faction ever!
Any other noobs out there, this guy is an awesome teacher and human!!!

Maybe it is a good idea to make a steam group. In the game's client you can all join that chat group and favorite it.
I will dedicate my newborn twitch channel to games with other noobs.

The idea of a chat group is a great one to go with it, thanks!!!
Another cool thing would maybe to have a batch on coh2.org for advanced users who enjoy teaching the game in-game, as Felinewolfie does... or a master/noob "matching" service
"COH2 Noobs" ?
"COH2 Noobs Cage", "COH2 Noobs Pit", "COH2 Nursery"
Focus in 1 faction (Russian is fine). Download Replays and watch how the russian play. Build order, how do he moves and position,commander selection, etc.
After you do that, you try to COPY the same strategy and build order when playing automatch. You will feel improvement. Don't matter if you loose, just keep fighting and try to preserve units and VP
I will definitely take note of this advice, thanks a lot! I'd love to also find replays of the TOW missions in general difficulty.. Some youtube videos have helped, but some are missing and I am left with some missions that are giving me nightmares!!!