General Information
Register Time: 25 Sep 2016, 22:01 PM
Last Visit Time: 14 Apr 2017, 01:39 AM
Residence: Canada
Nationality: Canada
Game Name: DeathlySilent
You can always give it a try. The G43's are really good for on the move accuracy and damage tied with Tactical Movement to keep up with armor support, make for powerful spearheads. We could always try it in a scrim if you wanted practice.
I mean, I picked my commander late as well. I only wanted a bit of recon at the time, and the "Easy 8's" didn't hurt to round out my composition. For only those two abilities, it seems more of a waste of a doctrine choice, but oh well.
Maybe take a look at your commander list and pick two that suit your style of play. Keep a third one open as a reactionary choice, such as Mobile Defense; something to counter the Osther weaknesses. Lighting War is a great aggressive doctrine if you use the abilities in cooperation with sweeping attacks.
I don't think you've actually made use of the doctrine though, which doesn't help. A Tiger would've been beneficial on a map like Road to Karkhov with many shot blockers to reduce my M36's effectiveness. With Pak40 support and Panzergrenadiers with Shreks, an armored push against it would be hampered.
It's good to pick later if you make good use of the abilities as a counter-pick, or even as an instant pick with an initial strategy in mind to throw off your opponent. It's really just personal preference.
I'll take a look at the replay and see what I can suggest.
Edit: Okay, so early game you lost quite a few squads which hampered your transition to mid game. From there, my infantry overwhelmed you time and time again, even with double 222's.
In my opinion, you could have rushed the right hand side of the map with the double Panzer 4's and popped Tactical Movement to aggressively take command of that side; possibly cutting me off from my fuel. Alternatively, you could've waited and popped the Ju87G strafe when your tanks pushed, preventing me from counter attacking.
Just work on your unit preservation in the early game and that'll really help.