Ok, I watched your replay.
It was a pleasant match to watch, even though there were a lot of mistakes since both of you were on an equal level it wasn't really boring to watch, particularly when somebody loses 3 Comet tanks in a row...
So as for the feedback, where to start...
You make a mistake in the first minute, you start by building a kubel, but then you send your sturmpio capture the fuel, while the kubel captures your first forward point(it should have been the other way around), this is a really bad choice, in result the brit got to capture the munition point and take control of a garrison near your base and fuel point, if you were playing against a better player he would have gotten a vickers behind there and it could even have been game.
But fortunately for you the game didn't end there as he let his IS alone without supporting it or make a connection the munitions to his base.
It was a useless encounter on both sides, you didn't gain the fuel either and you both lost time and models.
Now about what comes next, you get enough infantry and firepower to go on with capturing/fighting an enemy squad.
But you play too offensively, and you also blob too much, I'm not going to judge you on blobbing, each player has his style, but when you felt you had enough firepower, you rushed too far, and you eventually encountered his vickers, since you blobbed, you just retreated and left yourself open again, and he instead got to advance, there was no need to do that since your kubel already got a cut-off.
You should have drawn a line, build sandbags in the middle VP and east, try to push him back until you get a form of support (by either an MG, ISG or a Luchs), while you harass his fuel point, you lost an easy advantage.
At 7:00 the blob could have been fatal too, imagine if his mortars (for some reason he built two of them) hit your squads on the VP? You would have lost both of them.
Also you don't make good use of covers, rushing isn't good.
At middle game I noticed that you have enough MP but you bleed fuel and munition.
Consider the fact that you could have used your panzerfaust to snare his light tank, but you didn't get to do it.
And that is because you upgraded every squad with an STG, not a necessarily bad choice, but it's also a lack of micro as you didn't prepare for what comes next.
I think your munition loss comes from upgrading the sturmpios with a panzerschrek, try to think how was that a good thing and how much effective was that panzerschrek in the game?
If you had upgraded with a repair/hazard removal package you would gain a superior repair rate, and you needed a lot of it in this game, specially since you got very lucky with your Panzer HQ.
Not only this, but you also didn't build a single mine, big mistake for an OKW player.
Another reason you didn't prepare for what comes next is that you didn't get a raketen soon enough, and instead you built two jaegers, building two is a bad choice, and you ended up just wasting mp.
For the first jaegers, it wouldn't have been a better idea to spawn them near the vickers and capture the HMG?
Last thing, you chose your tank building order well, but your ostwind was a waste, you just let it stand there in front of the PIATs, piats don't hit things while they move, it was painful to watch you waste it so easily, try to avoid doing that, leaving your tanks still while they take damage.
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