Ok... Are mods going to be blocked still after the next patch ?
And if yes, are you going to put some time and work on a way that mods can work again without being possible to drophack or whatever was the reason to block custom dlls
If we dont talk about balance problems and pay to win commanders ...
I would say - make leagues for different skill lvl players.
There are only a few players that can compete with barton, omgpop and other top players. Rest of the player base is just... not involved cuz they know they have 0 chance to progress even in the 2nd round.
SO.. yes, made a system that will show a player skill lvl and made a tournament for all skill lvls with prizes ofc.
Since CoH is on steam patching is pretty easy afaik, just there must be someone to upload changes.
But, yes. I guess the point of the tournament was to see if the changes are good or not. And as I see from comments there is still work to be done before the mod will become a good balance patch
Mhm... I watched now the video...
Well guys.. better switch to dota2 or LoL - there casters are really supported and most of them even payed (at least in dota afaik). There are much more tools to cast, done not by community but by the devs.
Or just go to something like starcraft that have observer mode from ages and we doesnt got it here even in the 2nd game that should've learn something from 1st game's mistakes in order to entertain the viewers of "live casts"
@Noun, just take a point from what Tommy and Fatal said at the end.
Every single thing done for Coh1 to make the game more interesting for tournaments and casts at all is made ONLY by community.
CoH2 is out for like what? One year already? ... and there are still no lessons learned.
I hope you think the best for the community (which is really getting smaller) and have great plans for the feature..but god this feature become too much extended in time already. Ofc you have your numbers and statistics that are proving me wrong, but the feeling of all COH community members that things are not going on the right way is becoming stronger and stronger...
And when the community is sad... its not even really supporting the caster efforts to make cool and unique things... the casts are not expiring like before not that they are done bad, but because after watching a awesome show ppl get back to imbalanced CoH2 or to broken CoH1 and their mood goes down in e few minutes (if not seconds)...
My advise is - stay even closer to those who make your games look better by their own efforts and give them more and more support. Show up into community discussions more giving at least your own opinion about their problems. Show them you are humans and also feel bad when thing are not OK or feel great when things are in a good shape.
This post become too big to be understand by all.. so I will stop. I hope everyone who really want to understand my point will do it easy.