There is not a single allied unit in this game that panther would have to flank.
In case you don't know, allies do not have anything like jagdtiger or elephant, which are pretty much iprevious from the front to any tank or TD.
And you need only some infantry AT units and an AT gun and can be sure no allied TD is allowed to snipe anything without risk to it.... you only need sight and can push into enemy line without having to risk anything with 60 range ATG with stun shots.
it is funny that you mention to get a 245/270 fuel unit to counter nondoc units.
lets guess you engage a ISU which can fight every target pretty well..which is supportet by a SU85 and a squad, no AT, no armor can be usefull in this case. you will need a ton of units and micro to handle this stuff.
axis has only AT 70 range units ...not very usefully vs squads
SU85 give 60 range view on targets...ISU snipe it out..penal is there you cant dive in without risk a satchel