As OKW player, in 1v1, how can we beat Soviets that abuses of Guards Rifle Infantry and early T-70? I'm having a lot of trouble because if I go tier 2 for a fast Luchs they beat me easy with their Guards and if I go tier 1 for some arty fire I suffer with the T-70. Whats the best option in that case? Sorry for my english, I'm Brazilian..
5 COH2 games today- I lost connection to server on 2, my buddy lost connection to server on 2. No problems until today... internet still OK, can access all other sites, even TS working by the time... Just disconnect from relic...
Preferred game mode: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
Requirements: really dont have any
Preferred time to play: whatever works for you.
Preferred faction: Axis
Contact: you can PM me here or reach me on steam/twitch/facebook
Steam: ika87