Bonjour, à ma connaissance ce forum est principalement anglais mais puisque je parle français je me permets de te répondre. À ma connaissance le jeu est maintenant en version finale, depuis que COH 3 a été annoncé, la communauté qui fait les patchs a dit que la dernière qu'on a eu est la toute dernière à vie. Ce n'est pas la première fois que je vois ça mais avec l'annonce de COH 3 je suis pas mal sûr que c'est vrai ce coup-là.
Pour ce que ça vaut, personnellement je ne trouve pas les mortiers particulièrement dangereux et même le katyusha a un effet limité s'il tire dans le brouillard de guerre; parles-tu des parties en équipe? Dans les parties en équipe l'artillerie en générale est plus forte puisque plus d'unités et moins d'opportunités de la flanker, mais en 1 vs 1, il n'est généralement pas trop dur de foncer sur un katyusha, à moins que l'ennemi ait beaucoup de défenses mais dans ce cas t'es probablement déjà désavantagé. Je joue principalement 1 VS 1 et bien que je déteste l'artillerie car je déteste le style défensif et "campeux", en dépit de ça je ne trouve pas les mortiers et le katshuya OP. C'est sûr que dans les formats avec plus de joueurs leur utilité augmente, mais en même temps ils sont souvent la seule façon de déloger un allemand avec un paquet de MG et de guns anti-tank, et les allemands aussi ont le halftrack nebelwerfer et le stuka, donc ce n'est pas comme si c'était exclusif aux soviets.
For the english speakers, basically Panther40 is saying the Soviet mortar and Katshuya are OP and need a nerf, and I replied we are at the final patch and I don't think they really need a nerf anyway. He mentionned that the Soviet mortar has a huge range, bigger than the other mortars, so I think he's talking about the 120mm mortar. |
I'm pretty much a lurker on these forums, I like to read but I'm not usually interested in participating in discussions, I'd rather play the game.
However, I find this topic interesting, because for a long time, I was debating on starting a similar one myself.
The original Company of Heroes was, for a long time, the only RTS I ever really loved, and I mean *LOVED*. Before that I used to hate the RTS genre. Actually, I still hate the RTS genre. COH2 is the only RTS game I ever play these days. I stopped playing COH only because it's pretty much dead, not necessarily because I like COH2 better.
Now, I'm probably the only person who is gonna say this, but what first attracted me to COH wasn't the gameplay. It was what I call the "atmosphere". Unlike old RTS where units' voices sound generic, they have emotions in COH. They change depending on the situation. The first time I heard a Puma say "We will not make it" in a pathetic voice when I clicked on it, I didn't think "Dang, I'm gonna lose it". I thought "Dang, I'm an asshole for leaving these guys die".
Anyways, I'm ranting. Later on I appreciated the gameplay a lot, how the game focus on squads. The first time I saw suppression I was stunned. The game isn't a simulation by any means but to me, it makes more *sense* than old school RTS, where you just throw a bunch of units to die happily.
Anyways again I won't go into more details, I'm pretty sure everyone reading this already know the game and doesn't need a review. What I'm trying to say is, I did notice how the game seems more "unpolished" over time. It's cool that the community introduced new units. It's less cool they reuse the same voiceovers as other units. It's even less cool when the new commander abilities just have generic lines, or sometimes no voices at all. It always bother me that when I make a Stuart, there's no voiceover, although that's a very old problem and not the community's fault.
I also noticed since the last patch that there's a lot of units or abilities with missing descriptions. I find that very unfortunate.
These are all things that, when you notice them, they're annoying, sure. But in my opinion, in the long term, what's most important is the gameplay. After a while, you heard all the voice lines in the game and you stop paying attention to them. And I truly admire how dedicated the community is in balancing and keeping the game fresh. In my opinion, that's much more important and admirable. Saying there's other games out there with more professional mods is technically true, but I don't care about those games, I care about this one. I hate RTS, COH2 is the exception, and the day this game die is the day I stop playing RTS.
So whatever. It might not be perfect, but it's still better than anything else out there, at least for me. And the balance/modding team is keeping the game alive and is improving it. Sure they make mistakes, like how the JLI were OP for a bit, but it's not like Relic didn't make them either when they actually worked on the game. I still remember the original Rifle Company, who had riflemen with flamethrowers. This was so OP, it was the only time I managed to reach top 50 with a faction. Me, a noob, who can only get top 100 if I'm lucky and get match against bad players multiple times in a row. Anytime I face a real top 100 player I lose, so for me to reach top 50 was ridiculous.
Anyways (again), I'm probably ranting, but my point is, I understand where the OP's coming from, because sometimes I feel the same way. But when I look at how much the community improved the game and how it's still alive even after all these years, I can't help but be grateful. If you feel your money wasn't well spent, it's your choice, but most "professional" AAA games, despite being expensive, rarely last this long, unless they're huge universal successes.
I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say, I'm not always good at expressing myself.
Good day everybody. |