Gotcha, I got all of them working with the player set to World. My own mistake was that one of them was slightly underneath the landscape, moving them up resolved everything. Thanks again!
I'd like to share the first map I've made. I think it could use a few more details here and there but overall I'm quite happy with it. If you guys notice any flaws/errors let me know, I have noticed myself the AI gets a little confused if you kitbash buildings like I did with the station.
I'd like to know if there's a way to setup entry points outside of the starting areas. I've tried to add points alongside different sector borders but this doesn't seem to work so far. Is it even possible or just not done in COH?
I just recently got into COH2 and the world builder tool, an I'm really enjoying it so far. The tutorials and threads on this site have been extremely helpful so I thought I would register!