Good evening, I found myself in a funny situation in a game earlier. I ended up losing because frankly I was outplayed. I was playing as the OKW and my opponent was U.S. I got my mechanized company up and put out a puma first hoping to curtail a Stuart as I had seen a captain on the field. He ended up skipping tier three and going strait for Shermans.
I was wondering what is the best way to use a puma against Infantry in the absence of other vehicles on the field. Obviously this is sub-optimal, but if I can have an impact with a puma vs infantry in support of my infantry it would be very helpful as I'm very fond of the unit and use it as Ostheer too (Mobile Defense).
Is it accurate enough at range to do damage to infantry? Should I just try to use it to explode cover? Is pushing infantry around with it worth it? I would love replays too!
Thanks for any help!