Hi mates,
Losing far too much games and having the feeling not to progress enough, I realize that main reason is not really an absence of knowledge of different units and technics, not a very bad use of cover, neither a very poor tech order, but very simply that I lose far too much units during fight.
It isn't rare at all for me, to lose 8 or 10 units during a short 30' game.
In those conditions, game is of course lost, whatever I can do, in a good or bad way.
Most of the time, I'm still struggling with infantry, when two T34 or Cromwells reach the battlefield (I play OKW) .
So, my question is how I could improve this essential part of the game ?
Checking regularly (very regularly ?) the top right of the screen ?
Using space barre to jump regularly from event to event ?
..... ?
How did you improve your preservation mates ?
Have you got some concret tips ?
Thanks in advance for any help.