Preferred game mode: All of them
Requirements: have fun
Preferred time to play: whichever
Preferred faction: whichever
Contact: Steam name: Acoustics.dB
Im noob in the game and im looking for someone to teach me or play with me and learn things together. ive got like 10 hours in the game and i love it. PLEASE ADD ME. I really need ppl to play with
As title says. im looking for some ppl to play with. im really new in this game. ive got 7 hours on steam and i hope someone of you who like to play with me and teach me or whatever please add me on steam
Anyways if you got CoH1 and wanna play multiplayer you should know that you're going in against a community of die-hard CoH1 fans and they will easily defeat new players like you in seconds so if you're looking for a multiplayer experience its probably better to go into CoH2 as there will be more players your skill level
If you wanna play CoH1 its best that you do the tutorial and all the campaigns first as this will introduce you to many of the units and mechanics in the game and then if you wanna get into multiplayer go ahead
So you may wanna watch them when theyre streaming to ask questions and observe how they play
well thanks for your message
and "pro" players are no a problem.. like i like to play against good ppl cause i learn something and im not a kid who will cry when other players are good ive met in steam pro players and played with them and they have taught me thing (all of them have defeat me haha)