Or would you just rather have to wait 4 minutes and get a good play.
Man, weekends are the horror. It's full of weekend players that play the game once in a while. I lose so much because of this. And so much time thrown into the toilet.
There are other reasons of changing the ranking system/auto matchmaking.
The new players don't get to play to their level. They don't learn. They don't understand nothing from a game when they face a way better team which happens many times. They will leave the damn game because it is such a dump.
It will make the game more competitive. It may revive some of it's dead body parts.
I thought this may hurt the game because there aren't too many players. But think about the good stuff too. New players won't leave just because the game is such a b^tch.
1vs1 ranking has same system of ranking, isn't it ? It can be much better.
1vs1 is so boring to me. I've played 1vs1 in other games. A few years ago became too boring. I'm not a narcissistic.
I'm starting to believe kids nowdays just play this game to bash noobs and make fun of them. Really. No freaking fairplay. Just mean dudes. How would be to play the game without you being able to make an important unit ? Would that be fun and fairplay ?
I don't use my ingame nickname because people don't really like me for good reason

I just want to discuss this idea with other people and see if we can get anywhere with it.