Hey mates!,First of all, im sorry if my english sucks

, and thanks for the topic. Yes i am creating the board game. But... those pics are old (before Relic sent me the assets and exclusive contents, of course signing confidenciality blabla, like big resolution portraits of each unit or buildings, etc).
Those pics are old. A very early version of my prototype. Now, with a constant fux of pictures and materials directly from the dev team, I am changing the old designs with new and no-pixelated portraits and cool things. Even the gameplay is deeper!, I was very limited with my old resources, now my posibilities are infinites. Here are examples of basic and elite cards (spanish version). Dont worry, if someone can help me translating everything, the game will be in portuguese, english, french, etc. But for now, spanish (dont worry, the final prototype, with relic suporting me will be in english).
And here is the evolution using the HQ. The elite units. How this work?, simple, you have the basic type and you can upgrade in your HQ the unit. This is like an evolution. The cost is very high but once you unlock the elite version, every basic unit you have of this type is instantly changed. Remove your old basic card and replace it with the elite version. Is the same card, with better stats. To unlock them you must level up the basic card to the max (lvl 2 in this case, but western germans have 3 levels being basics!). Once you are in lvl 2, you can buy the upgrade in your HQ and "flip" your card permanently with this new and badass elite version pasively until the end. Here is an example (spanish version):