Early on, 5:35, you weren't trading well. You were sticking in fights that you were maybe winning, but your rifle squads were taking a lot of damage.
@535 first big mistake, you went LT when you were behind on fuel. Too risky, doesn't have enough lasting impact if you are behind the way it does if you were ahead.
You kept your rifles in negative/no cover in the middle VP and the cp to the left of the church. They got taken down really quickly. Jump in garrisons and stall sometimes and you may be able to assess the situation and find a way to win the engagement.
You took heavy damage on your brand new Paratroopers squad running them up close and over a wall to the Enemy without having upgraded them to Thompsons. Without Thompsons they are not close range units.
By 15:00, because you never went Captain, you are devoid of indirect fire. Those forward Schwerer and Battlegroup trucks are so easy to pound that forward if you had a pack howitzer. Because you're behind on field at this point (even though you're trading and both bringing in +26) he's still up 32 fuel on you toward getting your first P4/JP4/Sherman etc. I have it paused but I'm guessing he's going P4. I would because he hasn't spotted any AT presence. Only think I would be worried about from you is the M20 being out could mean m-6 mines.
First big squad wipe against you. Lost your lieutenant because you left it out in negative cover against a squad in green cover, and even with it at almost zero health, it wasn't retreated.
You do lay an m-6 mine. Decent placement, not quite aggressive enough but if Vodka happens to run through your controlled right side, you might be able to steal a tank kill.
17:51 First Sherman is out. No AT deterrent on the field but for two shreck squads. You should be looking to absolutely pummel him here while he tries to get out a panther or P4.
You did a great job baiting the Panther into a M-6 line I didn't catch that you were laying. Took it out, but I think you wasted munitions instead of just recreating the 57mm and killing it. That said, you are really ahead at this point.
Your big mistake here is not pushing the left side and using the church to screen for your Sherman and Jackson to take out the Battlegroup. It's wide open and your Jackson and AT gun alone could do the job.
Look at 27:00.
Everything is grouped around that Battlegroup and you easily could be shelling it with a PackHowtizer to back up your riflemen.
@ 28:24
You literally need to smoke the Battlegroup and Schwerer with riflemen and you've won the game. You have 3 tanks, an AT gun and they have nothing on the field but Raketens to stop you, which you could easily deal with if the Schwer is smoked. The Second 4 is coming out but he can't stop a Jackson, 2 Sherman's and an AT alone.
At 30:30 You have enough field coming in that you could easily rush that P4 and drop the P47's and knock it out, and even if you lost a Sherman, he'd be devastated because he has zero fuel income.
Ok you traded that Sherman for the p4, but you took a few too minutes long and now he's been able to reconnect territory and get back to almost affording another P4. Your fuel income is disconnected.
You just wiped a vet Volks on the fuel. WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING IN?!
The double ISG's are really killing you now, since you have no way to counter them indirectly and won't move on to kill his Schwerer.
You also misclicked and retreated a full health Rifle squad for no reason because you were blobbing them together with your Paratroopers.
Basically you've been losing control of the VP's because you are getting hit by the ISG's and aren't doing anything about it.
@40:00 minutes, You suicide a Sherman for what reason exactly into the Schwerer?! Why didn't you smoke the area with the Sherman, the move all your tanks in and kill the Flak Truck? No more Obers, no more Tanks.
You move your tanks in but are not smoking the area. I know that's probably getting repetitive, but ok just point it out for you to look yourself. If you sent down the road or a little closer to the munitions point, you could easily take out that Battlegroup in a few seconds.
You took an hour to launch your P-47 strike and played right into Vodkas hand. You took out the Jagdtiger but you could have done it so much easier. He really mismanaged it.
GG at 46 minutes.
In recap:
You needed to be way more aggressive when you had the advantage. You had all the opportunity in the world to take out those trucks and didn't do it. Taking out the Schwerer would have ended that game 20 minutes earlier.
For going LT, you got 9 kills out of your M20, and your LT died really early. You could have been pounding away the entire time with a Packhowiter or two at his trucks and the game would have been different. You would have had access to Stuart's and AT Guns that you didn't have to drop. You'd also have the ability to rush production with your a Captain. It just has so much more viability than LT.
In summary, take advantage of being at an advantage. You played too cautiously, and it bit you. It happens to all of us. It's easy to armchair quarterback without fog of war, but at the same time, you have to develop a killer instinct to know when you're ahead and when to strike. Don't be afraid to lose. It's just a game.