For the same reason they have used 480hp for jackson at the beginning when teller was still doing 500 dmg.
For the same reason G43s on march deployment patch last year obliterated everything at all ranges.
For the same reason KT had 425 armor and best USF AT had 160pen against it.
For the same reason suppression fire of RETs could suppress effortlessly multiple squads and after nerf it could be renamed "please delete this squad now".
For the same reason we had obers before the patch.
For the same reason we had 4 G43 JLI squads with better DPS then fallshirms.
Because they have some really clueless people working on balance who aren't smart enough to foresee most basic implications of their changes which leads to utter bullshit changes like we have with pretty much every single balance patch.
In fairness, I think Relic may have relied upon ther Testers from the community, bcs there was no Balance designer for a while.
Also, please post a little less vigorously? Thanks