General Information
Register Time: 17 Feb 2013, 11:57 AM
Last Visit Time: 22 Oct 2018, 06:38 AM
Birthday: 1997-01-16
Residence: Australia
Nationality: Australia
Timezone: Australia/Brisbane
Game Name: Jackas4life
The crosses on the graves read exactly what you assumed them to do.
I remember a story from a british pilot who was buried with full honours by a Luftwaffe Geschwader during the battle of Britain but I need to do some research first if I am correct about that ^^
I read one that was similar but the opposite during the battle of Britain (German pilot with full honors by the RAF)
I don't know what you're looking at, but I'm actively looking through the attribute file. They use the pgren version. You can tell by either checking the attribute file itself, or you can check in-game to see the price cost. The gren version costs 45 munitions, and the pgren version costs 40.
Sorry I read that post wrong, scratch the rest, but when they first changed weapon profiles in 2014 they originally had gren g43 stats, but guess something changed in the last two years.
They're pretty much the same rifle apart from far and near DPS
Gren g43 2.47 / 11.95
PGs g43 3.26 / 14.73
and accuracy at far and near
gren 0.43 / 0.63
PGs 0.56 / 0.78
Like I said I'd prefer if Stormtrooprs would get 4 PG g43s and lock out the other upgrades. While if PGs do get their correct G43, they only still get two remember.
Do you guys use G43 on Pgrens? Would you use it on Storms?
Actually PGs in game use the grens G43, no idea why just Relic
But the PG g43s which isn't being used by any infantry, from the top of my head alot better at all rangers compared to the gren g43s, don't hold me on that since I can't remember that stats of it, but I know they're better then the gren g43.
this thread is SOOO OLD its not even funny its from 2013 its barely even relevent anymore... but i guess i won't stop you enjoy the old fossil its whats its their for i stand here slightly amused
I was tempted to make a comment about a 5th man, until I actually did realize this was from 2013, but hey it's still relevant
Personally this is just me, but I typically like to go HMG into another 2-3 IS giving a total of 3-4 IS squads, and teching into an AEC or AT gun, but this is 2v2s and it is map depends. But I find it's nice since compared to normal brits you're not a manpower lacking in terms of what's the on the field. This strat however does lead you open even more to light vehicle play, and a high manpower bleed if your opponent goes snipers.
With the upcoming changes for Brits in the balance mod (Brits will start with 50 more manpower) it will be a nice change due to getting that extra squad out a little bit faster.
Also I would avoid getting nades as Brits, since IS are long range squads so nades don't suit there play style and just a waste of 30 fuel early on, which can go into an AEC or cromwell
Remember that rifle grenades, like all grenades, do more damage if the unit is in cover, especially heavy cover. This is mostly because units in cover tend to bunch up, making the high damage portion of the grenade AOE cover more of the unit. To stop rifle grenades instawiping MGs, set them up in open ground and keep another squad nearby to make sure the Grenadiers can't just rush the MG team and shoot it to death.
Actually green cover reduces ALL incoming damage by 50% unless flanked. This also includes nades. So if you got a full health squad you're best to take the nade in green cover instead of moving back slightly since you would have a higher chance of losing the squad.