Three Soviet commanders are just worse PAID rehashes of each other.
Conscript support = A worse version of Reserve army with no AT partisans and howitzer
Anti-infantry tactics = worse version of terror tactics without artillery and bombing run
NKVD rifle disruption = The most useless allied commander patched together with features from other commanders.
I dare you to say again that sov anti infantry tactics is a worse paid rehash of terror tactics. it is not. sov anti infantry tactics is awesome. if you know what you are doing you can completely destroy your enemy's infantry game play. for example if you are playing against an okw player who obviously like to blob, they are doing you a favor. bcs everytime they blob forward you drop in fear propaganda and they retreat, you push up your line and you can continue doing that until you are in front of his base.
BUT thats not all, you dont only have fear prop, but you also got recon + inciendary barrage ^^. so lets see: recon + fear prop+ incendiary =

= GG How? He blobs forward, you fear prop, and drop a recon in his base + the incendiary. GG right there! If you timed well your blobbing friend has no infantry left and with that also no map control which meanes that you start spamming some tanks a crap load of t34's or su-85s or what ever you like.
So i would like to conclude that this IS an powerful commander and not a copy cat but just something different. (though agree with you on the rest of your post)
To topic: you could for example use this commander and make sure that there never comes a time where you have to deal with elephants or jagdtigers.