They HAD hype. Now we don't know exactly what we have. That's the problem.
I don't understand complete silence for a month and counting. I get it that they are 2 companies merging and that takes time. Thats fine. Work hard together and get it right. No problem.
What I don't understand is the almost complete lack of communication. Anything at this point is better than nothing. Something along the lines of...working hard to get a community manager hired. We want to speak with you! Or.... made some significant progress today with Coh2. Stay patient! Let us know what steps they have to complete to get to BETA launch and how far along they are. Or even if its a delay, communicate that...Working hard to get you a hard BETA launch date ASAP. We value you!
Anything right now beats total silence.
Its almost like they won't acknowledge the buildup that THQ and Relic created with their statements in Oct-Jan and its spooky. We are...after all...their customers. Many of us have already ordered the game months in advance based on those statements. Right now, I'm sorry, we deserve better.
i agree with you all the way