Ok so i removed the pop Cap overide from my .scar code and it let me into the game, but the game seems to freeze as soon as I get in. I press escape and i get back into the game no problem, but my vehicles are still uncrewable and I also dont have my pack 43 AT guns that i set down markers for.
I am having trouble getting my exported map to load completely, crashes everytime before loading. Janne thinks its a syntax error. I somehow frustrated him with my trivial map building problems. If anyone could help me out i would appreciate it. I just want to make sure I can figure out the scar codeing and startup before completeing my map. Also I have my warnings1.log if you need it to figure out my problem.
I have also checked other older forums for a solution, the game itself starts just fine but my map crashes before getting to the gameplay, other community maps start just fine. Also I really appreciate Janne's help getting me this far into the process.