Dear Relic,
First I want to congratulate you guys with the new patch. It is awesome finally some love for the stug and the SU-76

. I also think that the new rule: one heavy on the field for each player, is a good decision. It will give the mediums and the lighter vehicles a new live.
There is only one thing. Why include the Sturmtiger to this rule? I'm really thankful that you showed some love by decreasing its veterancy requirements, but I think the Sturmtiger should not be included to this new rule.
First of all the Sturmtiger isn't a tank, its a really heavy mechanised arty piece. It is not a tank, it also doesn't act like a tank since most of the time it is out of action bcs it is reloading. And the few times it is in action it mostly scares of blobs without doing actual damage or shooting(totally fine with me).
Secondary the Sturm tiger is not a heavy tanks bcs of its cost if you ask me. 560mp and 160 fuel. If you compare this to the cost of a really heavy tank it is actually not a lot of resources.
Also the OKW is a faction that heavy leans on heavy tank usage thanks to the design. So if you want to build a Sturmtiger that immediately means that you cant get a Kingtiger or a Jagdtiger anymore which both are crucial to counter for example a Jackson spam.
In my opinion there is a big difference between the Sturmtiger and the Kingtiger&Jagdtiger. The King and the Jagd are most of the time when they are on the field in action. They have a big influence and presence on the battlefield because they are able to continually be fighting. The Sturmtiger has only some influence on the field for a few seconds when it is scaring of blobs the rest of the time it is reloading or waiting.
So in a faction that leans heavily on heavy tank usage, it is a big gap in the power of your army if you choose a Sturmtiger (which is still really useful but not as good as a heavy) which makes you unable to get a Jagd or a King. I think this problem mainly plays a role in 1v1 and 2v2 bcs in 3v3 and 4v4 you are able to field at least each one of them once at the same time.
I'm not an axis fanboy or a noob i'm just a decent player who doesn't like to choose between a heavy mechanised arty piece and a heavy tank, because choosing one makes you unable to get the other one without losing the first one, and both are really useful bcs they own a high speciality in the job they do. So Relic I beg you don't do this to us

. In game it is still classified as a medium tank since it gets the medium tank skin I propose keep it that way.
Greetings a CoH2 fanboy