Need to check for balance, several abilities are similar to or copied from other factions or abilities so the prices and CP requirements need to be compared to each other and maybe adapted.
New units etc. are hard to check without exact stats, so cannot really comment on that.
Just one general comment: Please, please no "free abilities" for commanders anymore, this is just nonsense, we had that already with Elite Riflemen. If it is not a huge ability it can be somewhat cheap, but not free.
For the M18, I did envision a toggle ability, not a sniper-style auto-cloak (though that would be cool!).
There's plenty of free abilities, like the fast capture for a Wehr commander, and that one is passive and always on.
So the ability to cap or decap a sector 50% faster every 90 seconds seems not a big deal to me.
Thanks for the comments and here is hoping Relic has the wehr-withal (get it?) to keep COH2 alive for 2015 and well beyond.