Thanks for the feedback, I have indeed stopped since going LT since that game, the halftrack does not possess the shock power necessary and the lack of an AT gun does indeed hurt.
The floating ressources were indeed an stupid oversight on my part, which is a shame since I might've got some armor somewhat earlier. Would it have helped? Probably not, considering the CAS were keeping us pinned pretty badly.
As for the CAS only killing 2 KV8's, that is somewhat wrong. The damn things kept our infantry and armor pinned on our side of the map with no pushing capabilities. I have learned since that the CAS actually makes a recon pass before engaging the strafe, leaving it vulnerable to an AA halftrack, shame since I could've got one that game.
As for the lack of AT, we didn't realise they had built those caches so fast, the double flakpanzer completely took me by surprise.
All in all, a fairly cringeworthy game.
Thanks for providing feedback, appreciate it.
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