First order of business:
Barton; I'm all for the banter and dicking around, but please have some class. Mocking someone for being petty in a moment they lost seriously is fucking low and insanely uninteresting. People are people and they will bitch and moan when they lose at something. Most competitive people are seriously bad losers and for most of them this is a good thing. You might want to think that the people you look up to are the pillars of integrity, logic and honor, but the fact is that everyone has a shitty day. On those days it's easier to blame something completely irrelevant opposed to addressing what really was the issue.
IP bans are the worst possible bans (at least as long as IPv4 lives, which will be quite a while in my expectation, and even in IPv6 they aren't too great, albeit better than in IPv4).
Imagine you are a stand up comedian at a venue, doing a daily show. Someone is interrupting you all the time etc. etc. An IP ban would equal to banning the seat the person is taking up. All the troll has to do, is get another seat (aka IP, which you do by simply redialing your connection via a router restart). Not only is your ban ineffective at keeping the troll away, but also the seat you just banned will stay empty forever (the IP is banned, if someone else gets the IP 10 secs later, he will be unable to watch your stream, however unlikely it might be that exactly that person wants to view your stream). Even MAC address bans are ineffective, since you can change MAC addresses (which are device specific, as in each NIC in the world should have a unique MAC address) with the appropriate tools (it's a bit more complicated than simply restarting your router every time).
In IPv6, each device should always get the same IP, but apart from the fact that you can simply change that IP, even if you don't... it would, again, be a device specific ban (like MAC address bans)... he might not be able to watch your stream on his smartphone, but his PC and Laptop are fine etc. etc..
Just wanted to address this as you've completely missed the point of IP bans and law enforcement/preemptive measures all together. According to your analogy, you don't ban the seat the person is sitting on, you really ban his identity(his IP is is identity, not the house he's living in). Doing so for you (as a club owner) takes about 5 seconds. The banned person on the other hand has to go out and get a false identity (a new passport/whatever), and no matter how connected he is, this surely takes more effort than it took you to ban him. If you keep banning his new identities it soon enough becomes REALLY annoying for him to keep being a dick and most people will give up which anyways solves the majority of the problem.
This is a good example of "deterrent". It's not bulletproof and it's not designed to be, but it keeps it increasingly hard to be a bad boy. With your logic, any law in the real world is pointless since they can all be circumvented (tell me of a law that 100% prevents crime and is 100% impossible to get away with breaking).
tl; dr
- You don't ban someone for ghosting or stream sniping since it's entirely up to you to stream, and in games where some kind of reward is involved, people will do much worse than that in order to win.
- Barton shouldn't be cheap-shotting Hans for being a bad loser since 99% of the people are. Can't blame Hans on the other hand for not ignoring you since your troll-baiting him hard, and sometimes it's impossible to be the bigger man (I speak from experience).
- IP bans work. Nuff said.