I have an upgrade for each different faction's starting building that is only visible to the AI.
I have set in the army tab's ai_production that this upgrade unlocks their HQ structure, and that worked for a while. I also set the is_ai upgrades to a utility of 1000 in the ai_economy.
This functionned for about a year and a half. Now it doesn't work. I am conflicted. Any ideas on what could be the problem? |
Thread: Hello!11 Mar 2024, 21:39 PM
I just. Popped up one day to ask for help in the modding and tools forum. I never forgot to introduce myself!
I'm TheGiftLucas, hail from South Korea but moved over to western europe. I enjoy COH2 modding and am in denial, refusing to move on to COH3.
I do play other games, but that's not really relevant.
Hopefully I can get active here soonish! |
I'm going to guess you meant it says "NOT" instead.
There is a parameter in the Attribute Editor called "requirements_self_recharge". I've also had this problem, but I've been able to solve it by deleting the "required_not" option. For some reason, the artillery gun uses a "Howitzer_lock_out" upgrade for... what I assume to be cooldowns in game? Either way, when you mod the gun, this breaks often. Get rid of that, and you'll be fine!
For the AEF paratroopers, they're a bit... finnicky. I've never bothered to actually make them drop multiple squads, but increasing the number of aircraft in the air_strike function should solve it... can you give me some more details about that?
For the third part, you'll have to refer to the .ABP file for the churchill. If a model isn't appearing, there's most likely an ABP error. However, I'm not particularly smart about ABPs! There are some great forum posts that discuss the subject if you look it up, though.
And Finally, the last one is also an ABP thing. Sorry. |
So I've been messing around making my mod in AE, and I've taken the habit of only creating/cloning the _mp files, as I've noticed they're usually the only one used. Now though, that I wanted to tackle the AI part of this, I've realised that apparently I need to make those for the AI!
Is this really necessary, and if it is, how the hell do I make them correctly?
The title says it all mostly, but I spent 3 hours consecutively modding, which also means there are a LOT of things that could've gone wrong. Usually when I have such a problem, I begin deleting stuff until the crash dissapears, but there's an issue. I deleted every change I made to the US faction since the last update, and yet it keeps crashing. I have no idea what the hell is wrong.
What should I do in this situation? I have no damn clue. |
I am having an issue: This ability works fine as a command ability, or so it seems, but as an infantry ability (giving this to an officer unit), it keeps insisting that I'm triggering the ability "too close".
Which I don't understand, since I don't believe there's a minimum casting distance in such an ability!
Here's the Attribute editor code, maybe someone can figure this out?
<group name="ability_bag">
<group name="action_list">
<list name="end_self_actions">
<list name="end_target_actions">
<list name="start_self_actions">
<list name="start_target_actions">
<template_reference name="action" value="action\trigger_dca_action">
<string name="dca_action_name" value="UI\Airstrike_Warning_Smoke" />
<float name="duration" value="10" />
<bool name="is_terrain_only" value="True" />
<uniqueid name="id" value="1073747467" />
<template_reference name="action" value="action\overwatch_action">
<group name="area_info">
<float name="angle_left" value="0" />
<float name="angle_right" value="0" />
<enum name="area_type" value="circle" />
<float name="radius" value="20" />
<float name="duration" value="45" />
<float name="interval" value="3.25" />
<float name="interval_min" value="0.5" />
<float name="interval_multiplier" value="0.85" />
<float name="interval_reset_delay" value="2" />
<group name="target_info">
<template_reference name="target_info" value="type_ability_target_type\has_all_in_list">
<list name="target_infos">
<template_reference name="info" value="type_ability_target_type\enemy">
<template_reference name="info" value="type_ability_target_type\has_any_in_list">
<list name="target_infos">
<template_reference name="info" value="type_ability_target_type\has_unit_type">
<enum name="unit_type" value="infantry" />
<list name="trigger_actions">
<template_reference name="action" value="action\off_map_artillery">
<float name="num_salvo" value="3" />
<float name="radius" value="4" />
<float name="source_offset_x" value="1" />
<float name="source_offset_y" value="70" />
<float name="source_offset_z" value="1" />
<float name="time_range_between_shells_max" value="0.25" />
<float name="time_range_between_shells_min" value="0.125" />
<instance_reference name="weapon_name" value="weapon\colonial_elite\explosive_weapons\light_artillery\le_ig_18_howitzer_75mm_mp" mod="897b1642921046e1a54b787a024932a6" />
<uniqueid name="id" value="1073747468" />
<uniqueid name="id" value="1073747469" />
<enum name="activation" value="targeted" />
<bool name="can_interrupt" value="False" />
<bool name="can_target_in_fow" value="True" />
<float name="caster_close_in_distance" value="2" />
<bool name="casters_can_evacuate" value="False" />
<group name="cost">
<float name="action" value="0" />
<float name="command" value="0" />
<float name="fuel" value="0" />
<float name="manpower" value="0" />
<float name="munition" value="65" />
<float name="popcap" value="0" />
<string name="cursor_ghost_blueprint" value="" />
<float name="cursor_ghost_blueprint_angle" value="0" />
<bool name="disable_combat" value="True" />
<bool name="disable_when_active" value="True" />
<float name="duration_time" value="-1" />
<bool name="enable_in_building" value="False" />
<bool name="enable_in_vehicle" value="False" />
<bool name="engage_combat" value="False" />
<float name="entity_busy_time" value="0" />
<float name="facing_angle" value="5" />
<bool name="facing_ignore" value="True" />
<float name="final_close_in_distance" value="0" />
<bool name="fire_and_forget" value="True" />
<bool name="garrison_target" value="False" />
<bool name="has_speech_code" value="True" />
<float name="initial_delay_time" value="0" />
<bool name="initial_recharge" value="False" />
<bool name="is_default_action" value="False" />
<bool name="move_back" value="False" />
<float name="move_back_distance" value="10" />
<float name="range" value="55" />
<bool name="range_ignore" value="False" />
<float name="recharge_time" value="65" />
<bool name="refundable" value="True" />
<bool name="require_no_shot_block" value="False" />
<enum name="shared_timer" value="" />
<bool name="shared_timer_player_wide" value="False" />
<group name="speech_code_2">
<string name="code_1" value="" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<group name="speech_code_3">
<string name="code_1" value="art" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<enum name="squad_caster" value="squad" />
<enum name="target" value="tp_position" />
<group name="target_special_validation">
<template_reference name="target_special_validation" value="type_ability_target_type\not">
<group name="target_info">
<template_reference name="target_info" value="type_ability_target_type\is_command_sector">
<float name="toggled_recharge_time_off" value="0" />
<float name="toggled_recharge_time_on" value="0" />
<group name="ui_cursor">
<string name="cursor_bad" value="modal_ability_cancel" />
<string name="cursor_good" value="modal_attack" />
<string name="cursor_nonmodal_good" value="" />
<group name="ui_info">
<locstring name="extra_text" value="908" mod="897b1642921046e1a54b787a024932a6" />
<locstring name="help_text" value="899" mod="897b1642921046e1a54b787a024932a6" />
<string name="hotkey_name" value="" />
<icon name="icon_name" value="Icons_abilities_ability_aef_106mm_barrage" />
<string name="overlay_name" value="" />
<bool name="reveal_for_decryption" value="False" />
<locstring name="screen_name" value="898" mod="897b1642921046e1a54b787a024932a6" />
<icon name="icon_alternate_name" value="" />
<locstring name="brief_text" value="0" />
<locstring name="help_text_alternate" value="0" />
<locstring name="screen_name_alternate" value="0" />
<locstring name="screen_name_short" value="0" />
<locstring name="ui_usage_txt" value="0" />
<bool name="validate_actions" value="True" />
<list name="global_self_actions">
<list name="requirements">
<template_reference name="required" value="requirements\required_player_upgrade">
<enum name="reason" value="usage_and_display" />
<locstring name="ui_name" value="0" />
<bool name="is_present" value="True" />
<float name="max_completed" value="100" />
<float name="min_completed" value="1" />
<instance_reference name="upgrade_name" value="upgrade\custom_commanders\elite_colonials\4naval" mod="897b1642921046e1a54b787a024932a6" />
<enum name="ability_super" value="tp_artillery" />
<int name="ui_position" value="34" />
<bool name="ui_mini_map_capture" value="True" />
<bool name="facing_ignore_during_active" value="False" />
<instance_reference name="ui_range" value="ui_reticule\ability_range_artillery_barrage" />
<instance_reference name="ui_reticule" value="ui_reticule\ability_target_artillery_barrage" />
<float name="ui_reticule_radius_min" value="10" />
<float name="ui_reticule_radius_max" value="10" />
<enum name="pending_ability_out_of_range_behaviour" value="chase" />
<enum name="ui_group" value="group_primary" />
<string name="ui_targetable_sm_key" value="" />
<string name="ui_targetable_on_key" value="" />
<string name="ui_targetable_off_key" value="" />
<enum name="ui_targetable_receiver" value="local" />
<enum name="ui_combine_type" value="intersection" />
<enum name="ui_group_cast_type" value="single" />
<enum_table name="ui_modal_highlight">
<bool name="world_sector" value="False" />
<bool name="map_sector" value="False" />
<bool name="map_sector_hq_link_extender" value="False" />
<list name="requirements_target">
<template_reference name="targeted_ability_option" value="options\none">
<enum name="ui_direction_requirement" value="nondirectional" />
<instance_reference name="cursor_ghost_ebp" value="" />
<bool name="can_cast_whilst_constructing" value="False" />
<list name="requirements_self_recharge">
<bool name="can_cast_outside_active_battle_field" value="False" />
<bool name="ability_super_event_cue" value="False" />
</group> |
Fixed. Decided to use another Squad SBP to model it off of. |
It's been a while, friends! I've been making some solid progress, but I have found myself stumped once more!
This squad of infantry (Composed of 1 panzergren, 3 riflemen and 2 USF Assault engineers) has been refusing to spawn. Every time I click on it, it immediately vanishes from the queue.
I feel like I had this issue before, but I don't recall the fix. Please advise if I should post AE details.
Which .abp did you edit for the Conscript?
I guess: art\armies\soviet\soldiers\conscript\conscript.abp
The vanilla game uses this one: art\armies\soviet\soldiers\conscript\conscript_newrifle.abp
Either also change the conscript_newrifle.abp, or adjust the blueprint name in the ebps of the conscript.
That's... Pretty confusing. It works now, yes.
So what does the conscript.abp do? |
What exactly went wrong here? Thanks in advance for telling my sorry ass.
Small update: No I didn't fix it. What I did figure out is that for some reason, the engineers are able to hold the weapons, and it's just the conscripts. This makes me even more confused somehow.