Long time lurker, who just started playing Coh2 over Coh1. Recently, I have begun to encounter a rather irritating minor feature. And before I begin, yes, I realize that what I am going to say isn't that big a deal and could be easily fixed by myself. Just try to keep an open mind please!
Many of you are probably like me and when you are searching you alt tab and look at something else because you have the attention span and patience of a 4 year old. I would just like to float the idea of a notification sound... most other games with queues I have played, like dota2 have that feature. Frankly, I doubt it is very hard to implement either. The reality is that I occasionally miss that I have a game loading and can miss minutes of my opening game. Minutes in a game that averages like 30 minute matches can be quite detrimental, particularly as an Ally player who needs to dominate the early game!
Anyway, like I said it is essentially a cosmetic suggestion that could be fixed by me not alt tabbing to begin with but I, and I am sure many others, would appreciate it. I am also sure it has been posted here a 1000 times but what can I say, I'm a lemming and have to copy everyone and I'm also still trying to figure out the search function. Mods if this doesn't belong here please feel free to move it wherever you want. |