Ok name at least two currently active RTS games (not Command & Conquer clones) that is a "higher quality game" than COH2.
Let's try to be more fair here. When it comes to RTS, Blizzard are just C&C copycats and I think Relic deserve abit more credit as pioneers in RTS along with Creative Assembly with the Total War series.
IIRC, Blizzard Entertainment have been publishing their own games for many years. Relic Entertainment had to work with at least 4 different publisher with one going bankrupt.
To name a few;
Homeworld 1 + 2, Sierra Entertainment
Impossible Creatures, Microsoft
Dawn of War, THQ
CA & Relic are both pioneers in RTS that have been living in the shadow of Starcraft and others C&C copycats for more than a decade. Yes Blizzard currently make good MMO/MOBA games.
But when it comes to RTS, they cant continue to just milk money from classic C&C RTS which are a dying game genre on PC.
In South Korea, SC1 eSport & community helped alot to build up "hype" for SC2's popularity in the EU/US.
Now the SC2 hype are dieing in South Korea, Blizzard RTS will die slowly with it.
Many players are moving to MOBA/MMO games and Bllizard are moving with games such as Overwatch (team based FPS) and Hearthstone + Heroes of the storm. Bllizard are just not going to take the risk with innovative RTS like Relic and Creative Assembly or to create a MMO RTS.
It's getting pretty obvious for potential eSport sponsors that Blizzard are abandoning RTS for MOBA/MMO games. So that eventual will mean less money for SC2 tournaments. For CA/Relic that mean if they polish their RTS franchise (console + pc) they can get more attention from eSport sponsors that want to focus on innovative RTS that can potentially take over from SC2.
Mobile casual RTS games (Game of War + Clash of Clans) are more popular than ever and casual gamers are the fastest growing community in the gaming industry. Console/mobile RTS = Casual gamer, PC RTS = less casual and more hardcore RTS.

Compared to most COH2 players I am an relative old RTS/MMO gamer. I played Homeworld 1 in the top10 ladder and was also a top player/visionary leader in a very complex MMO game (EvE Online).
HW1 released 1 year after SC1 and was light years ahead of Blizzard in innovation.
With Homeworld, Dawn of War and COH, Relic have made at least 3 innovative RTS games that are not C&C clones.
So stop with the naysaying. Either believe in COH2 (or COH3/DoW3) and help make history. Or go back to C&C clone games and have fun with that dieing era. Your choice.
im a big fan of rts games i have done my long research and couldnt find decent rts game beside coh2, actually there is one but it lack of activity bcz EA lost its liscense and official servers are down: "The Rise Of The Witch-King" Known as "Rotwk" its a lord of the rings rts game, althought u can still be able find other players to play with on GameRanger.com Software. sadly automatch and ranking is no longer available but we use
www.Clanwars.cc league and report matches manual.
Rotwk is a masterpeice rts imo, you can check out latest video commentaries here