Playercard: See link under avatar
I can mentor all but prefer axis
Max Number of Mentees: 1 mentee
Voice communication: Required via TS
Describe your availability this summer?: I am available most evenings and weekends.
Minimum skill level: Couple hundred hours in multiplayer is prefered
I concur, a smaller 60 mm moarter would be fine or some nerfs to damage.
Iam gonna be honest, this is text book example of bad design. Units like the WC50 and Combat Engineers shouldnt be in a doc but come in as standard units in tier 0.
For Wc 51 unit give them rangers in that doc. For the combat engiees76 mm sherman.
Your units choices from the start would be Rears Comb Engiees, Rifles and Truck. Think of the openings! Need close quarter combat with flamer get a engiee, have a open area ? Get a truck. The flexibility that is suppose to be there would be represented by the unit choices to tackle different scenarios.
Combat engiees and trucks wouldnt change the dynamic of the match much other then adding options then just rifles.
I enjoy the variety in openings now but still not sure the mortar was the right unit. I also think since they now have the mortar, riflemen should lose their smoke grenades. Smoke should be given to the rangers instead. Smoke doesn't make sense on baseline inf. It was only acceptable on USF since they lacked means of taking on mgs which is no longer the case.
Relax! COH like most RTS games has a steep learning curve. You'll get the hang of it soon enough.
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I thought I would share a few photos from this year's Tank Fest Northwest. The Flying Heritage Collection holds the event in Everett, WA every Memorial Day. The museum has an amazing collection of operational WWII era aircraft and few tanks which they showcase at Tank Fest each year. Tank Fest also hosts collectors from around the region showing off their collections of everything from small arms to light vehicles mostly from the WWI era. I'll add the link so you can learn more about the history of the vehicle and that specific unit.
Sorry, this one also runs but this year they had it on a trailer for a strong man pull. FLAK 37 88MM GUN in the background.
the i7 6700k is not an upgrade. its almost the same CPU he has still in his moment PC. and if he will not OC it a lot, he will not see any different. And streaming in 4k is totally not working without second PC or FPS loses/special stream/game settings
I have to agree. Switching to a 6700K from an i7-4790 won't be much of an upgrade especially for the cost. Biggest changes w/ Skylake are the DDR4, PCIe lanes and M2 slot. Performance wise DDR4 is just a tick up, you won't see much benefit on the PCIe lanes with a single card and your quote isn't using a M2 slot SSD which would be the biggest performance boost. I would just drop your new GTX 1080 into your current system and wait for a bigger update in the chipset.
1. Revert your changes
2. Upload a future replay
2. Post replay here for feedback: Replay Reviews
This will allow people to provide accurate feedback based on the match. No one can help you based on a rough description of the match. Sorry just the way it is...