1) You mean that not top 10 is playing vs rank 500? Well need more players then playing at the same time the same modus.
2) Ehm nope! Because then half ot the players would instant quit in loadingscreen ( Btw there is a programm called Celo! So you can see the ranks)
3) Well search/ get some friends for premade team. And if one would remove it. Teams could not play this game anymore in 90% of the case
4) nope
5) what you mean exactly?
Half the players would quit in loading screen? jeez you would have to be a pussy to do that how do you think you rank up to begin with...beating higher ranked players. At the moment you have to go off win loss ratio which is stupid as because you have people that sit there stacking games all day with these amazing ratios and they are actually terrible. I find the peeps with even stats are usually the best.