That would be a nice way to adjust CAS, but what about the Ostruppen doctrine?
If I were to "fix" the Oustruppen doctrine I would go a couple of things:
- Oustruppen now replace gren's, no longer have 25% received accuracy
- ROF and Accuracy bonus now properly applies when in buildings
- Artillery Field Officer stays the same
- Conversion replaced with soft reduction (10-20%) of fuel income for a moderate increase in MP income (20-30%) that kicks in at 3 CP like Soviet Industry. Also increased rate at which MP based units are built
- Railway artillery replaced with Command Panther that gives bonus's to tanks and infantry, trade off is it can only get to vet 3 and it has no mark target. Comes at 11 CP's and is limited to 1.
Would be a doctrine actually focused on buffing large amounts of infantry and using support weapons to make up for your weaker base infantry rather than a gimmick doctrine were you just spam miners and bunkers while wishing you just had CAS to use instead.