I just started playing this and I was going through the campaign to learn how to play. I'm playing on easy mode and things were going fine till I got the the 4th mission Miraculous Winter mission. Its not too difficult and I do fine till I take the last German position and you need to man these two mortars and sink a tank in the river to finish the mission. I've tried about every unit type I have and I haven't been able to man the mortars with any of them. A google search is pretty dissapointing when I try to find out which units can or can't pick up the mortars. I've tried infantry conscripts and snipers, not sure if I tried an engineer. Please let me know if you have any tips. I saw a video of someone doing it and they seemed to have a problem at that point too but they stopped and restarted at the autosave that happens after you capture the last position. I can't seem to find the menu oiptiuons to do that so I have to do the whole thing over each time.Thanks for your help.