Weird, I do get these bugsplats but it only happens when I start the game up and alt tab for example, then I just need to restart the game and do nothing until I get to the main screen, which is a safe ride from there.
But you are right, Relic should focus on this issue, its ruining the experience for a lot of people.
These over 30 minute games usually end up to the favour of the player who has more endurance. I for example wear out after some time, start losing squads and lose the game eventually, but i excell in early-mid game. Depends how many games you play in a row aswell.
Can anyone help me out with a script that binds the tactical map button from keyboard to mouse? I have logitech gaming mouse that has side buttons, would like it to be the second button "back" if you know what i mean.
I wouldn't ask for help, but i tried to figure it out myself, but I'm not good at this.
Vonivan can you post your script for minimap and which side button do you have it under? I thought this would be easy, but i don't understand this script shizzz..