But the map needs more detail in the finer points of it. I know some people aren't too bothered about how maps look (textures and such) but I am.
There are a few areas that need looking at..
Yes i am aware of the eyecandy condition, im gonna honestly say that i was just too lazy and rushed it to where it is, i made this in basically 2 days.
And i would also like to point out that, its nowhere near completed. It's just a quick way to see how it plays.
You don't have to worry about the looks right now, the looks come when i've made it good for gameplay.
Thirdly, have you tried using splines to create cliff edges rather than using the boulder objects around the river? It just seems to me that there is a wall of rocks on both sides of the river and that seems strange
Trust me, ive tried splines alot as ive been working with the worldbuilder for about 4-5 years.
I know how it looks, but im afraid im gonna leave it like that, if it doesnt bother majority of people. I like how it is atm, because as ive practised with splines, i dont like how hights stretches the spline and it will look awful in most cases. I know i can smoothen up the cliffs sides, but thats gonna take room that i wanted to make playable. Again, it can be done if people see it can work, but i don't see it at this point.
you have used grass around the map at different points. However you have not used it underneath any of the trees yet it has been placed in the middle of (what look to be) frequently used muddy tracks. that seems unrealistic (although maybe it's just a hate of mine to see buildings and trees meet the ground in CoH with a straight edge xD)
I used the grass tool as i went by, again eyecandy comes as the last thing.
Lastly. Those wrecked vehicles you have used. Are you certain they cannot be used by the Axis to harvest for resources? if so then they will provide an unfair advantage if this map was ever to be used in a competitive matchup.
No, those wrecks can't be salvaged, im 100% sure of it.
Anyway those are my crits, I look forward to seeing how this gets on. nice one.
Thank you for good criticism, i know what im doing, so im sure if the help is around, i can make this map work and hopefully you'll like it too.