Back, and they slightly buffed the abilities on both the ISU and the Jagdtiger. Not enough to make any difference and on pretty under used abilities, but I'm not happy they made additional balance changes to the vehicles but left the original features that everybody complained about untouched. Oh well.
Imo, the Jagdtiger, Elefant and ISU-152 should be support weapons, not core vehicles. That's what made the beta more entertaining, particularly in 2v2. Where if one player did go for the 152, he would play a more supportive role, due to the attention he would have to spend on the 152. Same goes for the Jagdtiger. Now, it's just the same old, same old. I personally hate using the Jagdtiger and I play mostly Axis. That being said, the 152 is just as abusive as it used to be.