Relic chose an interesting direction for infantry small arms balance in this patch.
There is a lot in there they havent usually done, such as a full spectrum range accuracy optimisatiin and afew odd balls like aimtime and adjusting what what constitutes "near/mid/far". Especially in conjunction with LMG changes, I think this laid a good groundwork for future adjusting.
Much of it seems to be built on the premise that long range was too efficient, and short range too risky. So they ended up nerfing long range, whilst increasing mid range pretty much across the board, and also increasing what constitutes short range dor those units who have that as their optimum.
Many of the figures seem a bit arbitrary, but they can be tuned later.
I honestly dont understand what the crying about is in this thread, and tbh I see very few people actually talking about the stats, instead of the usual hyperbole and "feels like" subjective crap.
There is really very little here in this thread that can be discussed or argued objectively, because it is expressed so subjectively without reference to stats or the actual changes.
yeah I think this is a good place to start restructuring infantry combat. I like how LMGs were toned down because previously, they excelled at all ranges. Good SMG changes as well because previously, you had to be literally in their face to do damage.
You bring up an interesting point here Cannonade about stats and objectivity. Obviously, it is good to bring stats and numbers to see what the actual changes/differences are. However, I want to note that we are playing a game. Numbers manifest themselves into a different gaming experience for everyone. The experience is subjective, unless the changes were so obvious anyone could see it. These tiny changes in numbers PLUS RNG make every experience different. Numbers and stats don't capture many different factors such as: ease of use, different metas and strategies, and most importantly, the relationship between units and their native/opposing factions. This is why I think subjective experiences are important regardless if they have numbers or not. We all experience the game in different ways and it is important to take account of them all.