COH2 Bootcamp - Help new players join the fight for axis/allied glory
You could do this in CoH1. In lobby there was ranking and you could give your lobby a name.
So for example: Rank 1-5. People with higher ranks were kicked. It was a fun way for me as noob to learn how to play the game.
Personally I miss the lobby system from CoH1. It was more fun and the visual rank next to your name was a nice achievement.
Just as with CoH2, I'm sure most of the Rome people usually just play the grand campaign (or with CoH2, compstomps and single player). I have owned and played 5 Total War games and in all these years I've only played a few LAN battles with my brothers. Total War is all about the Grand Campaign as far as I'm concerned.
So, for the MWNL event only lobby games are counted? No campaign games? That would explain a lot with those % results.