Hello everbody.
During the creation of my lasts maps
i had some problems in realizing the ideas i´ve got in my mind.
1. I tried to convert coh1 maps to coh2, models are missing (can change them) and the height level of that map is broken.1 map starts at about +120.0 in the center and goes down to about -10.0 like a spiral.
Those areas above about +60 work correctly but they look like the ground is at -20 so the units seem to float in the air.
Is there any way to fix that? Tried to stamp whole map and put in an offset of highlevel.. still broken.
2.Is there any way to get seperate infantry/vehicle-map_entry_points that can be captured ?
I want to build a tank factory and some barracks that are capable to get reinforcement from that point.
3. Is there any way to get that panther-turret work correctly ?
4. How can i make objects invincible (for example a train station)
5. Can i remove that bug of the reichstag buildings ? Once a enemy enters them with infantry, they get health-bar in their color. He can remove infantry from buildings, but they stay in his possession.
6. Some bridges dont work correctly, still work as bridge when destroyed, not repairable and so on. Any idea?
Sorry for all that questions.
Checka |