It would be pretty unfair to VonIvan/Jesulin if we took third place money away from them. This situation is no fault of their own.
Kyle tried to offer some kind of money cause he didn't like the thought of Noggano coming so far and not getting something from it. But at the end of the day, Noggano is the only person who is in breach of tournament conditions here and it's not fair to try and compensate him with other players prize pool money. The other players have expressed their concerns over that and I totally agreed with them.
We actually knew Milestone 5 was reached before the Quarter and Semi-Finals were played, so if this was an issue, Noggano may have considered dropping from the tournament rather than letting this situation get so far. If Visa is genuinely the issue, he would have known this was a possibility from the start of the tournament.
It's a really horrible situation, and quite frankly the best way to deal with these situations is to just stick to the bloody rules you laid out at the start with rigidity, because nobody can question your actions then.
Kyle was trying to do right by Noggano, but that shouldn't be done at the expense of eligible players. It's a bit upset I understand