seems since the last big patch all the german players have been crying about, if you cant hold your fuel and push in the early game then your gonna get run over in the late mid-game or theres gonna be a stand off until the germans rush in to get wiped by the soviet mass that's been building, or that soviet mass hits you before you rush where youd least expect it.
but some how, against legitimate 'koreans' we managed to establish a line and push on all fronts near simultaneously. even though one player worth his weight in left mouse button clicks was able to starve the soviets of their own fuel even after being completely surrounded. they had our fuel we had theirs, but there were a lot of twists and turns and the more experienced players on our german team said this was the best match they've ever played, even though I was floating an obscene amount of resources from the very get go we got lucky on the left vp being left alone and were able to keep them focused on trying to get their own fuel back. even thgough they held all vps for the majority of the match.