Hello. I've started playing CoH2 again and downloaded some replays. Upon putting them in the playback folder they don't show up in the replays section of the game. Any fix around this? I don't really want to re download the game to see if it works since my internet in the new place isn't lightning fast.
This worked! Thanks! What it seems that I was doing wrong was I thought that the button that will be used was to be typed in on the right and not the left. Thanks again!
Hi, I don't know if this warrants it's own thread but if no, than I'm sorry.
In order to make this tl'dr', my current script runs so that NUMPAD0 opens the tactical map. How do I make it so that I can open and close it with the letter Q?
Hello, there. Im a relatively new player to CoH2. Back in CoH1 the majority of my 1v1 builds was focused on MG strats, and i became quite proficient with them. I loved that strat because it was good for denying and locking down the map, and then going T2, or T3 for a puma depending on the situation. Now my question is, what are some builds here in CoH2 that are good at replicating that strat. I've seen a few replays with MG strats but they differed from each other. Also since in CoH2 the Germans have access to a mortar at T1, whats a good way to actually include it in a strat like that?
On a slightly side note, whats the most efficient and "pro" commander that has access to a Tiger? What do you guys use the most?