Do you really think that this change will make such a huge difference?
I agree that defensive factions are nerfed since the points can't be defended with an MG as easily, but you make it sound as if it were a change that required major rebalances.
The additional sight of Britisb hammer tactics is conceived as a weak bonus and is absolutely far from being a game changer although it makes thr whole circle visible (I know that it comes quite late in a match).
I think you can look at how much the goliath commander with the free flares was used in GCS to see how useful it is.
I don't think it would break the game or be this huge change, but it will require
some changes to particular maps or units. Really it's been the way it has for 6 years now, changing it now would probably have more repercussions than we can guess at. It's more of a change to think about for CoH3. I do think it's a good idea though.