#9941 |
Good morning,
probably you mean mark-target from some soviet commanders/ commandpanther ability.
The soviet version works actually as the commandpanther ability, but has a recon plane included, which circles arround your target.
The ability increases the damage taken for the marked tank. I think it´s 35% more damage recieved. Thats extremly useful fighting against heavy tanks for example. They die a lot faster to abilities (bombing runs) or autofire. The faster the tank goes down the faster you gain an advantage over him. Specially combinated with Firefly rockets, it´s the nightmare for every okw kingtiger.
Hope i could helped you. Have a great weekend.
A-Team Growen |
perfect example of good assymmetrical balance. (even if i personally dislike every oneshoot mechanic, but relic has decided that it is a core part about coh2)
both units are in a good spot.
Both are fine. The Sturmtiger´s reload time makes it probably a little weaker than the AVRE. The Sturmtiger´s doc is pretty bad at all and it has higher costs. Meanwhile the AVRE is probably not as good against vehicles, but it´s faster reload makes it stronger against inf. I would let both docs how they are. |
Kubel is pretty useful against UKF. Instead of draining manpower in direct fights against IS, the kubel offers a nice option to harass. They can be quickly repaired and helps to capture the map extremly fast. Driving behind mgs and attack them from behind works pretty effective aswell. Later in the game it´s still useful to cap while your army is moving forward or to sneaky cut off the enemys supply line. Once you hit vet 1 you gain the vision ability which can be useful aswell. Finally it grants a great vision bonus which has several advantages specially used with support weapons.
All in all the kubel is very useful, if you can handle to micro it. |
It should work simular to building a bunker 4 example. If you destroy it by damaging it as opponent, he gets nothing back. If he interupts the building he gets something back, how much it is, I actually don´t know. |
Well, if you call it the counter blob. Please give allies a commander that has recon and a 160 muni drop with a ninja buffed AOE arty drop with no flares so they can counter shrek blob at their HQ or in base. Thanks!
Unfortunately you missunderstood me there. I´m not talking about any blob counter, dunno what your acutally thinking what I wrote there. Also your argument is pretty poor. It´s as sad as if I come up with "calli is op, then give axis some moveable arty aswell - cry -cry".
Let´s come back... the dive bomb isn´t more op than any other base bombing, which a lot of fractions can get. If you see flares before your units gets hit or not, makes no difference mhh?  |
I think the flare mines are actually useful at some points. But compared to axis vet 1 ability they´re also pretty bad. The idea behind this flare mines was probably to show, where an attack will follow. Combined with click-me explosive, it´s an strong threat for nearly everything. I don´t think it should be changed to the OKW Comanders ability, because flares would loose the aspect of showing attacks, if these aren´t running over cap. points. |
I can recommend you, as PenileBatRation said, the aggressive early start to gain map control and resources early. Think about using a Luchs with kiting, to continiously damage your opponent. Don´t try to fight with single units against the blob, since you loose MP pretty fast. Harassment and efficient mines will help you. In direct fight think about focusing single units. Try to trap your enemy, maybe you can position your Sturmpios behind sight cover (wall or something) and punch him from behind. If you prefer T2. You might hit with your Leigs some models. The flak is also an option, but hard to use. Let him run into your flak, if he comes to close retreat and don´t be greedy. T3 the Luchs will help you. If you get into T4 use Obers and Panzer4 against hard infantry use, don´t forget to update your Obers! During his attacks you want to decap him with your kubel. With some practise you will efficient let him bleed over time until you can hit your final strike. Hope that could help somehow.If you still have problems, load up an replay, I would like to give you some tips if it´s possible for me. Have a good week! |
I don´t correspond with your optinion, that the stuka dive bomb should be op or anything. It´s pretty difficult to use efficient on the open field. The sound is actually a good warning, loosing a AT gun, because of a 160 mun arty is also okay in my opinion. But there is still the chance to dodge. About the base dive bomb, sure it´s efficient, if used correctly in the base. Don´t retreat with all your units at once for example. Having sight in base sector is also quite hard to get. All in all it´s an hard strike if you get hit by base dive, but think about what went wrong, when your enemy could spend so time to use this combination of: 1. retreat the enemy 2. having sight in base sector 3. having mun. for the base dive. best regards. |
I don´t understand your whole flame thing here. You´re continuous complaining on Axis units, compare them to Allies and furthermore you want Allies to have late game repair units. Allies strongly feel like the stronger fraction in the early game, why do they have to have the same possibilites like Axis late. I recommend you to play Axis on your own, against real players, to get a better overview about the fractions, afterwards you may want to start flaming on adequate experience. |