Well some people are not patient enough to wait untill CoH2 have been updated enough for it to be more enjoyable.
I did buy CoH2 about 2-3 weeks ago and since then i have only played a total of 3-4 matches and quickly after those i've lost complete interest over CoH2, there is nothing in the game that drags me back into it.
I have no idea if or when they will make the game better and more interesting but by that time, i will probably not give a crap about CoH2.
However if they fixed vCoH, i would most likely start to play it again.
Also, i've been keeping an eye out on steam statstics when it comes to CoH2. About a month ago it had about 10k players, and now the numbers have droped to 5-6k, the same number vCoH had almost daily when it was on the old servers.
So goatsecks is right, they will not fix vCoH because if they did there would be more people switching back to vCoH from CoH2, and it will have its early grave in Stalingrad.