Funny to see such bold and somewhat elitist comments from the COH2 community, a sequel that was objectively and tangibly dumbed down. You'd think the COH2 community consisted of the most OG leet PC gamers out there if not for the fact that 3 years later they still have a hard on for Company of Microtransactions.
RNG countersnipes with 50% chance of missing is all i need to know about CoH1. CoH2 have it flaws no doubt, but compared to CoH1? Not even close. |
Only good BFs was 1942 and BC2, i hugely doubt they will make something as good, especially after looking at this marketing ahistorical nonsense. Black soldiers in mainland european conflict (where is asians, namely, chinese, which, from what i know, were actually a thing, btw?) and woman warriors coming from country where woman forbiden to even expose face in public. |
If its moba whatever BS and not DOW1, or, at least, DOW2, I am not even going to buy it.
I dont understand game industry nowadays, why they make all those shitty dota clones, which is almost nobody going to play over free and as polished as one game could be dota anyway? |
Death-loop is not a bug, is a designed choice. Now that maxims have been nerf, we can just give it the same teleport magic other support weapons have.
Its not a designed choice when you cant fix something and decide to call it "feature". Its a bug which was ignored so much people started to take it as something normal.
Regarding the nerf, i dont see any advantages of opening with maxims ever again, even if i decide to build t2 later it would be purely for at guns. Its either straight out new amazing penals/dshk or conscripts/dshk/shocks into usual stuff with possibility of some unusual t34-76 spam. Cost and build time nerfs was straight over the top. |
The only thing that drop are LMGs and AT weapons. If you are suggesting this, should we have Brits drop scoped Lee Enfields, Conscripts dropping PPSHs (from upgrade), Rangers and Paratroopers dropping Thompsons, Stormtroopers/ PZfusilier/ JLI dropping G-43, Pathfinder dropping scoped Garand??
It wasnt about weapons it was about volks slot complains, where people complaining that volks cant pick up dropped lmg on top of their stgs (finally, terminator squad). And yes, please, make IS drop scoped enfields, it would be best buff for brits ever. |
Oh yes, poor volks without weapon slots. How about making them DROP their stgs so cons can rek them in late game for their own munition which is exact situation brits face? No? Good. |
I was talking about the jagtiger having longer range than immobile ATguns not a nerf for dedicated AT emplacements. The jagertiger shouldn't have this ability as its mobility seems unaffected due to engine upgrade.
Yeah and replied only to last path of your proposed changes regarding big-ass static at guns, coz I really dont want to discuss jt again, seems like everybody have their own opinion formed on it and it pointless to try to convince them. Personally I find it semi-fine, and maps and pathfinding are real problem where controlling one big powerfull tank is far more beneficial than many weak ones. Besides, lack of side armor and excellent at protection in form of shrecks(which soon would be no more) screwed this balance even more.
veto that map, problem solved! 
You know what alternatives are  |
Oh god don't remind me. I have nightmares of ele,jagtiger,strumtiger,KT combo
And i still have nightmares from miserable endings of my first attempts to flank on this map before i realised i should just give up and build 3 stuaks or 5 pak howies. |
Brit sim city is no more cancerous with the nerf to the counter battery, u won't need JT to counter that
There always will be port of hamburg choke point hell.
EDIT: People talking about sim city but have yet to try the nerf. Jagtiger shouldn't out range 17pndr as much as isu shouldn't out range pak43.
Then it would be useless to build pak 43, as it useless to build 17 pounder right now (this and 23 popcap and additional damage from at guns, thats frustrating how bad it is, arrrgh). Huge at guns shooting trought walls is necessary evil which is tradeoff for their immobility. |
Jagdtiger lots better than elefant since they removed self spotting+scopes map hack combo, mainly because it hard counters brit sim cities and impenetrable from the front.
Btw cp+jt and jp4 for the spotting  |